Expert Witness


Our experienced psychiatrist expert witnesses can complete a CPR35 compliant reports for a variety of Court matters. Please contact us for a quote.

Looking to instruct an Expert Witness Psychiatrist?

For UK solicitors seeking an expert witness psychiatrist, navigating the complex intersection of legal proceedings and mental health can be challenging. The integration of a highly qualified expert witness psychiatrist into your legal team is critical, as these professionals play a vital role in delivering robust evidence and insightful analysis on psychiatric matters that could significantly influence the outcome of a case.

Choosing an Expert Witness Psychiatrist

When selecting an expert witness psychiatrist, it is essential to ensure they have the requisite qualifications, including GMC registration, and a proven track record in their field. Look for individuals who have extensive experience not only in psychiatry but also in providing expert testimony in court. This ensures they can convey complex medical information in an accessible manner, crucial for judges and juries.

Role and Responsibilities

An expert witness psychiatrist provides independent, objective psychiatric evaluations and opinions to assist the court. Their responsibilities include preparing detailed reports, interpreting psychiatric assessments, and testifying to clarify the mental health issues relevant to the case. It is their duty to present their findings clearly and impartially, aiding the court in understanding the psychiatric elements at play.

Specialties and Expertise

Expert witness psychiatrists may specialise in various areas such as forensic psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, or old age psychiatry. Depending on the case specifics, solicitors should seek out a psychiatrist with expertise in the relevant branch. This specialisation ensures that the expert’s insights are finely tuned to the nuances of the case, whether it involves criminal responsibility, capacity to stand trial, or assessment of mental harm in personal injury cases.

Engaging an Expert Witness Psychiatrist

Early engagement with an expert witness psychiatrist is advisable. This allows ample time for them to review case materials thoroughly, conduct necessary psychiatric assessments, and prepare a comprehensive report. Solicitors should provide the expert with all relevant information, including medical records, legal documents, and any previous psychiatric evaluations, to facilitate a well-informed opinion.


In the realm of legal disputes and trials, an expert witness psychiatrist can be instrumental in unraveling complex psychiatric issues and providing clarity to the court. For solicitors, partnering with a diligent and experienced expert witness psychiatrist ensures that all aspects of mental health are accurately represented and considered in legal proceedings. This collaboration not only supports the legal process but also upholds the integrity of judicial outcomes in cases involving mental health considerations.

Our psychiatrists have worked on a variety of cases as expert witnesses including Court of Protection, various civil proceedings, Family Law, Immigration, Financial matters and have regularly given evidence in Crown and High Courts.

Unit M1, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0NE